Five schools in Islay and Jura are getting a visit from a specialist Gaelic tutor this week (beginning Monday, March 27) as part of an education, language and arts programme run by Fèisean nan Gàidheal. Linda MacLeod, also well known as a traditional Gaelic singer, is visiting the four primary schools on Islay — Port […]
News and Events
The Gaelic educational resources organisation based in Stornoway, Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig, is to play a large part in a national conference taking place tomorrow (Friday, March 3), aimed at increasing the amount of Gaelic being taught in primary schools across Scotland. The Gaelic Learners Practitioners Conference, taking place in Stirling, is aimed […]
Teachers from the Highlands will be gathering in Plockton tomorrow (Wednesday, February 22) for a training day that marks the beginning of a new phase of Gaelic language learning in primary schools in the region — and indeed Scotland. Around 25 teachers from 16 schools are expected to take part in this inservice day, being […]
3 March 2017 Stirling Court Hotel, Stirling This conference will give practitioners an opportunity to learn how Gaelic (Learners) can be part of the primary curriculum. It will give information on Professional development to learn Gaelic Language pedagogy Assessing progress and achievement Resources. For more information, please contact Stirling Court Hotel Website
A series of films to help teach Gaelic to children learning it in primary school outwith Gaelic Medium Education is being launched today (October 18) at the Gaelic Showcase at Mòd nan Eilean Siar 2016. The films star, and were made by, senior school pupils who have come through Gaelic Medium Education and are now […]